
Charmed · $60

15 Minutes

2D Imaging only with heartbeat

Gender check if desired

Printed & Digital Images Included

Delighted · $100

20 Minutes

2D, 3D & HD Imaging with heartbeat

Gender check if desired

Printed & Digital images included

Joyous · $150

25-30 Minutes

2D, 3D & HD Imaging with heartbeat

Gender check if desired

Printed & Digital Images Included

Sneak Peek · $129

25-30 Minutes

99.9% Accurate Gender Test

Results in as soon as two days.

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Keepsake Options

When you visit our office, we have additional options available to enhance the experience of hearing and seeing your baby in the womb.

My Baby’s Heartbeat Bear

Whether it’s 10 tiny toes or 4 precious paws, our Heartbeat Bear collections allow you the opportunity to capture your little one’s heartbeat and sounds in an instant.

Heartbeat Keepsakes

The sound of a heartbeat is one of the most beautiful sounds ever heard.   Memorialize that moment and memory with a Heartbeat Keepsakes jewelry item made from the heartbeats recorded during your session!